1. Improving Core Stability: Increases Intra-abdominal Pressure: Weightlifting belts improve core stability by increasing IAP. This turns your core into a solid support column, aiding in trunk stabilisation (“Core exercises elevate trunk stability to facilitate skilled motor behaviour of the upper extremities” – Study by Miyamoto et al., 1999).
2. Increases Muscle Engagement in the Erector Spinae (Lower Back): Belts boost muscle engagement in the lower back, increasing IAP and activating the erector spinae muscles. This helps maintain proper lifting form and prevent injuries.
3. Reduce Spinal Stress & May Reduce Risk of Lower Back Injury: Belts may reduce spinal stress, minimising the risk of hyperextension and other spinal injuries. They significantly reduce spinal compression forces (“The effectiveness of weight-belts during multiple repetitions of the squat exercise” – Study by Lander et al., 1992).
4. Improve Lifting Performance: Belts enhance performance by allowing you to handle heavier weights with better form. They improve lifting efficiency by decreasing muscle excitation required for a given load.
RELATED ARTICLE : How to use lifting straps (how to guide)